N5814U – “Baby”
Tim’s 1970 Piper Cherokee 140 Cruiser
Flown ~1200 Hrs since purchase 12/20/2004
One of our larger installations, the 3-station site was built out as part of Re-Pack including a ULXTE-120, ULXTE-90 and a UAXTE-3 between
November 11 and December 14, 2019 with a three-man crew

Tim’s Aviation Photo Gallery
- Ready for my CML Check 9/26/14ride
- Passed my CML Checkride with Bill Christian 9/27/14
- Passed my Seaplane Checkride with Mary Alverson 8/5/15
- Multi Checkride with Marth Lunken
- Passed my Multi Checkride with Marth 3/8/16
- 40th Birthday Present – Flying the AT-6 6/12/98
- Family Photo 2004
- “00 Baby and “Baby” Together
- My Bud Stevis with me and Baby
- My Aviatrix Mary Anne!
- Flying with “Mamma Jo”
- Me, Anthony and Mary Anne in the 310
- Me, Anthony and the 310
- CAP’s Fly-A-Teacher
- Stevis Peels Off Formation
- Airbus A320 with Stevis
- “Paper-Tiger” time in the Dash
- Stevis giving some much needed instruction
- ATP/CTP in the Airbus
- Passed the Multi ATP Written
- First day on-the-job at CommutAir
- over the Serria’s
- Sunset at 12,500′ over Lake Tahoe an 8KCAB
- Seaplane Tours at Smugglers Cove
- Splash-In at Lake James
- Seaplane flight with Channel 9